Chen, Shao-Heng


Inst. of Commun. Eng., NTHU

View the Project on GitHub paulchen2713/Portfolio

Software Engineer

Technical skills: C/C++, Python, MATLAB

Contact Information


I received my Master’s degree in Communications Engineering from NTHU in May 2024. My research primarily focuses on solving optimization challenges in communication systems, and my earlier research endeavors include radar target detection, computer vision, and edge AI.

I am working full-time at ITRI as a software engineer, designing real-time baseband algorithms for 5G NR and developing hardware-dependent DSP code that runs on our custom-designed RISC-V processors.



Coding Skills

Work Experience

Working Paper


Graduate Courses

Course Grades
COM 5345 Cooperative Communications and Networking A+
COM 5242 Introduction to SoC and its Applications A+
CS 5291 Stochastic Process for Networking A+
COM 5220 Adaptive Signal Processing A
COM 5120 Communications Theory A-
COM 5170 Wireless Communication Systems A-
COM 5335 Network Security B+
COM 5180 Mathematical Methods for Communications B